Adam Sacasa is a photojournalist with the Texarkana Gazette newspaper in Texarkana, Texas.

Monday, September 01, 2008

More Muli-Media

Been having some fun with this. This video was the first time I tried to make something during sports. It was rough to say the least. I decided not to bring a tripod becasue of space contraints. Thats another thing. When I'm shooting both video and photos, it means more equipment to carry.

Even with all the equipment, only lost one thing, my hoodie. Thank you USA JET airlines.

I know I missed a few shots, sometimes it was my position and other times, just too many players or refs in the way.

In total, there was about 35 minutes of footage to go through. About 7 minutes was the view inside my pocket. Hoped to get some audio from the mistake but nope. For photo's, I shot a gig on the first day and 5 more on game day.

Everywhere we went, there was a police escort. It was pretty cool. The crowds were huge. Not sure what the capacity of the stadium was but I know it was in the thousands and it was PACKED. I couldn't imagine competing in that. The noise was incredible too.

The game was surprising. WIU recovered a fumble right off the kick off and things were looking good. After the 1st half, still good, 3rd, good, 4th, things started to fall apart. WIU was up 24-21 but with about 1:45 to go in the game, Arkansas scores and takes the lead. After a few more snaps, that was that.

I had a hard time getting audio. Didn't get into huddles as much as I should have to get voices. Plus it was hard combining photos with game sounds. Videos actually turned out okay. Only a few worked but for not being able to move the camera, it was still alright and caught a few things.

One other thing was charging all the batteries. I definitely messed up on this. Sometime during the 2nd quarter, my 20D with grip died. Some of it might be the connection but I still should have had those batteries in the chargers the night before. Luckily I had enough spares to get by for the rest of the game.

Got a few post game things but missed the press conference. Took forever to get up to the press box . Only had to go up 1 floor but it was so packed, I had to find another way up. Half time was horrible too. I think the stadium really needs to do something about that. Traffic was moving slow for everyone. Luckily I didn't have to transmit.

All in all, it was a very good experience. After finishing the second day's footage and photos into a multimedia piece at 2am, realized how long it takes for sports. Guess I should write times down. Wouldn't mind a copy of Photo Mechanic either. Learned a lot, hopefuly improve next time.

We got back in Macomb at 3am and my sleep schedule is all outta whack. It's almost 4am so I guess I should get to bed.

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About Me

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Macomb, Illinois, United States
writer/photojournalist. Mostly the later.