Adam Sacasa is a photojournalist with the Texarkana Gazette newspaper in Texarkana, Texas.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's nice to have options. Liberal/Conservative, Energizer/Duracell, PC/Mac. Choices allow people to think about decisions instead of having others do it for you. Let me just get right into it. So the university theme or whatever is Health and Wellness and yet the only late night options we have around campus are Pizza, Burger King and the crap in the C-stores?

This semester, The Union lost the sandwich place I never went to and replaced it with Mexican food. Don't get me wrong, I love good Mexican food. The problem is I love good Mexican food. Now I'm left with Burger King at night. Despite getting a salad when I can make it in time for dinner in the dorms, the overall menu's there haven't seemed to change much either.

Now, what can Western do to change this or... oh I don't know, be more healthy? Leaving a fast food restaurant as the only option doesn't seem like a good start. After eating at Burger King, I don't feel healthy or well. Actually, I end up feeling a little gassy.

Complaining only does so much so what can Western do to be more healthy or well? I understand being healthy usually costs more money but if the university is going to make it a theme, they better but their money where their mouth is. I appreciate the effort the university puts in to get various speakers and maybe there are things going on for the first year students but besides what the university already offers such as intramural athletics or the Rec, nothing is really standing out and changing my feelings about wellness.

Hopefully the theme is much more than speakers and posters. Students should take advantage of whatever comes next, if anything, and make real changes for a healthier life.

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Macomb, Illinois, United States
writer/photojournalist. Mostly the later.