Adam Sacasa is a photojournalist with the Texarkana Gazette newspaper in Texarkana, Texas.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Post Grad life

It's been a long time since I've just written something but I need to get back into the swing of things. Been so busy with being photo editor that I haven't had a chance to write any articles.

Well I'm back home to Skokie currently living it up in the basement. It's not too bad. At least it's cool down there. Parent's are down there now watching American Idol. Not too attracted to that show so might as well keep job hunting.

It's only been three weekdays now but it feels really weird knowing there's no job to go to right now. Last time I took a summer off was probably freshman year of high school. No job or school. MOST BORING SUMMER EVER. It was horrible. Probably explains why I'm looking so hard right now.

Granted, I'm sure I'll save a lot by living here but if I can find a job out of state, I'm outta here. Don't have any debt at the moment so financially, I'll be okay. Just need to live off Ramen like during last summer's unpaid internship until I can save up for real food.

I just need to find a paper that wants a photographer/writer/personal trainer. You know, to cut health care costs. I do what I can. Speaking of which, getting on my parents gym membership family plan for the time being. It'll save me a few bucks from the individual plan. With finals and everything, haven't had a chance to work out much so it'll be nice to get back to the gym. Maybe twice a day but doubt it. Plenty of jobs to apply for.

If I run out of newspapers to apply to, there's always retail/sales. Worked a few years in high school. It was rough but made money.


Went down to Chicago yesterday. Great weather, kinda hot today. Anyways, I need to do some sort of project. I'm thinking portraits of randoms. Maybe quick interviews. There's plenty of homeless and street performers but that's kinda cliche unless I find a new angle. I should probably get back to filling out applications and write something relevant next time.

Things on my mind:

Religious parents and kids health
GITMO prisoners
the economy
how hot it is up here
loud motorcycles
working out


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About Me

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Macomb, Illinois, United States
writer/photojournalist. Mostly the later.